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Comp Cams Xtreme Energy Hydraulic Cam Kit

Item #: COMCL20-221-3

Price: $314.99



Advertised Duration 256/268, Lift .447/.455

Cam Style: Hydraulic flat tappet

Basic Operating RPM Range: 1,000-5,200

Intake Duration at 050 inch Lift: 212

Exhaust Duration at 050 inch Lift: 218

Duration at 050 inch Lift: 212 int./218 exh.

Advertised Intake Duration: 256

Advertised Exhaust Duration: 268

Advertised Duration: 256 int./268 exh.

Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 0.447 in.

Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 0.455 in.

Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio: 0.447 int./0.455 exh.

Lobe Separation (degrees): 110

Grind Number: CRS XE256H-10

Computer-Controlled Compatible: No

Lifters Included: Yes

Lifter Style: Hydraulic flat tappet

Valve Springs Included: No

Retainers Included: No

Locks Included: No

Valve Stem Seals Included: No

Timing Chain and Gears Included: No

Assembly Lubricant Included: Yes

Pushrods Included: No

Rocker Arms Included: No

Gaskets Included: No

Valve Springs Required: Yes

Quantity: Sold as a kit.

COMP Cams Xtreme Energy cam and lifter kits are built to take advantage of the latest cam technology and provide maximum performance. Whether your use is off-roading, towing, or street performance, there are Xtreme Energy cam and lifter kits available for you. By using an aggressive lobe profile, they provide better throttle response and more top-end horsepower than equivalent kits from other manufacturers, while delivering increased engine vacuum